Common problem

Heat Resistant Silicone Rubber: An Overview

Classification: Common problem Release Time: 2023-06-08 Pageviews: 234

Silicone rubber has been a popular material for a wide range of applications due to its unique properties, such as high temperature resistance, excellent electrical insulation, and good chemical stability. Among the various types of silicone rubber available, heat-resistant silicone rubber is particularly important in applications where high temperatures are involved, such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial manufacturing.

This article provides an overview of heat-resistant silicone rubber, including its key properties, applications, and processing methods.

Key Properties of Heat Resistant Silicone Rubber

Heat-resistant silicone rubber is a type of silicone rubber designed to withstand high temperatures without losing its mechanical and physical properties. The key properties of heat-resistant silicone rubber are:

1. Temperature resistance: Heat-resistant silicone rubber can withstand continuous exposure to temperatures ranging from -60°C to 300°C, and intermittent exposure up to 315°C.

2. Electrical insulation: Heat-resistant silicone rubber has excellent electrical insulation properties, making it an ideal material for electrical and electronic applications.

3. Chemical stability: Heat-resistant silicone rubber is resistant to many chemicals, including oils, solvents, acids, and alkalis.

4. Weatherability: Heat-resistant silicone rubber has good weathering resistance and can withstand UV and ozone exposure without degradation.

Applications of Heat Resistant Silicone Rubber

Heat-resistant silicone rubber is used in a wide range of applications where high temperatures are involved. Some of the most common applications include:

1. Automotive: Heat-resistant silicone rubber is used in engine seals, gaskets, and hoses.

2. Aerospace: Heat-resistant silicone rubber is used in aircraft engine seals, gaskets, and hoses.

3. Industrial manufacturing: Heat-resistant silicone rubber is used in manufacturing processes that involve high temperatures, such as extrusion, injection molding, and compression molding.

4. Electrical and electronic: Heat-resistant silicone rubber is used in electrical and electronic components, such as high-temperature wire insulation, gaskets, and seals.




Processing Methods of Heat Resistant Silicone Rubber

Heat-resistant silicone rubber can be processed using various methods, including:

1. Extrusion: Heat-resistant silicone rubber can be extruded into various shapes, such as tubing, profiles, and gaskets.

2. Injection molding: Heat-resistant silicone rubber can be injection molded into complex shapes and parts.

3. Compression molding: Heat-resistant silicone rubber can be compression molded into parts with high precision and consistency.

4. Overmolding: Heat-resistant silicone rubber can be overmolded onto other materials, such as metal and plastic, to enhance their performance and durability.


Heat-resistant silicone rubber is a versatile material that offers excellent temperature resistance, electrical insulation, chemical stability, and weatherability. It is widely used in automotive, aerospace, industrial manufacturing, and electrical and electronic applications. Various processing methods are available to shape heat-resistant silicone rubber into different forms and parts. With its unique properties and processing capabilities, heat-resistant silicone rubber is expected to continue to play an important role in various industries.

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